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It's October, and that means it's time to shine a spotlight on another talented creator and their exceptional craft! This month, we are thrilled to introduce you to Christina Boyd and her business, Crafty Homemade, LLC, a company that's redefining resin art with her stunning work and heartfelt approach. Join us as we explore her creative journey and discover what fuels her craft. To learn more about Christina and Crafty Homemade, be sure to visit her on social media under the handle @kawaiicute2021. This is where Christina shares her latest resin creations and accessories and connects with a growing community of artists. Keep an eye on her upcoming shop launch to get your hands on her beautiful creations!

Christina’s creative journey is a testament to the power of following one's passions. She initially started with a soap company, crafting handmade soaps with love and care. However, her artistic spirit wanted MORE, and it led her to experiment with resin to create unique soap dishes.

As she pivoted into the world of resin, her love for this medium grew quickly. Her journey is a reminder that true creativity knows no bounds! It finds expression in unexpected places. Christina’s evolution from soap-making to resin artistry is a testament to her commitment to exploring new horizons. She tossed her fears aside and dove in headfirst!

It's interesting that Christina has always been an artist at heart, like many of her fellow Creators of the Month. Her creative spirit has truly been a driving force throughout her life. She's not only pursued her artistic passions, but she has also worked as a veterinary technician—a testament to her dedication to developing a diverse skill set. Her journey highlights the importance of staying connected to your creative roots! It's a reminder that no matter where life takes you, your artistic soul remains an undeniable part of your identity. Just as crafters mold their creations, life molds us, and our creativity shapes our path if you let it!

When asked about her sources of inspiration, Christina eloquently stated, "Inner self." This introspective approach to creativity speaks volumes. It reminds us that some of the most amazing inspiration comes from within, from our own thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

In a world filled with external influences, Christina’s emphasis on inspiration is a refreshing perspective. It encourages us to tap into our unique perspectives, and let our inner voice guide our creative endeavors!

Every creator faces challenges, and Christina is no exception. Her biggest challenge to date has been navigating the path to sales success. It's a hurdle almost every artist encounters—the delicate balance of creativity and entrepreneurship. This struggle is a reminder that the journey of an artist is not without its struggles, but sharing your creations with the world is oftentimes the first step! Yet, amid the challenges, Christina has found a dependable partner in her success— Resin Rockers! In the world of resin and epoxy art, the choice of materials is essential. Christina’s favorite Resin Rockers product so far is the MagicCure™️UV lamp. She describes it as a "game-changer" that ensures she gets a perfect UV cure every time. The importance of reliable tools and materials in the crafting process cannot be overstated!  We’re so proud to be able to help Christina along her journey in this regard.

Christina tries to consistently bring a personal touch to her work. She has a deep appreciation for her loyal supporters, who have become like family to her! The sense of community and connection within the crafting world is a powerful force that can’t be ignored. 

She also prioritizes fast shipping times, emphasizing her dedication to providing the best possible experience for her customers. Christina’s commitment to excellence extends beyond her art—it encompasses every aspect of her business. Christina’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity. It's a story of her strength, flexibility, and her willingness to pivot. Her transition from culinary arts to soap making, resin artistry, and now a shop owner shows that her creativity truly knows no limits.

As we recognize Christina and Crafty Homemade, LLC as our Creator of the Month, it's important to let you know where you can find her!  While Christina is still in the process of building her shop, we know her journey is far from over. With her amount of passion, dedication, and creativity, there’s no doubt that she will continue to make a significant impact in the world of resin art. Keep an eye out for her shop launch and be prepared to see her everywhere!

 Join us in recognizing Christina and Crafty Homemade, LLC.  Let her story inspire you to follow your creative passions, wherever they may lead!

Want to check out Christina's work?  Find her at all the links below!
🤘Website 🤘Instagram 

